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Board of Directors and Officers

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Profile Square Michelle_600x600 (1) EDIT

Craig Cooley

Board Member and President


30 years employment in the hospitality industry with corporate responsibilities in operations auditing and management, marketing and branding, public relations and fundraising. 

Jonathan Colliflower

Board Member and

Vice President


27 years in the hospitality business, event management, weddings, room’s inventory and general hotel operations including all correspondence documentation as needed.

Michelle Volz

Board Member and Treasurer


30 years’ experience in the start-up, operations, and management of small businesses in the financial, media, and mental health industries. 

Jonny Navarrete

Special Projects and Board Member


Jonny is passionate about creating safe and inclusive spaces for everyone. A graduate of California State University with Bachelor of Arts degrees in both Psychology and Human Development, he presently, and for the last 10 years, has been with the Boys and Girls Club of Laguna Beach as Director of Early Childhood and Family Services.

© 2018 - 2024 by Laguna Beach Pride 365, Inc.

P. O. Box 353, Laguna Beach, CA 92652

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